After and devastate earthquake of 25 th of April 2015 and border blocked of India tourism entrepreneur and worker were quite free because of less tourist arrived in the country in a same-time we Visit Himalaya Treks Team were also same as others but in a meanwhile we did not stay freely we thought that we have to do something for the victims communities and immediately started to funding with friends, family, clients and individual people and we have supplied some emergency relief aid and letter on our mission were gone up and though to help the community where nobody have been and we choose the places nobody been there to help the community. Also we could not help to build individual house because that would beneficiary only single person so we thought better to build the School where everyone can put their student and give them better education. If you want to know further our work progress and want to support then please logon at or visit our Facebook Pag...
Nepal is achieve antiquated social legacy set against the most sensational view and place where there is disclosure and uniqueness involvement on the earth.
World Largest Trigent Trisul